Ability to cover on top of outlines
A brush that marks over the original pictures lines. For example: if you are in freehand and have a yellow line and it goes over the line of the picture it doesn’t get interrupted with the black line.
Lisa McNamara commented
I would like to work on my linework. I would love to be able to trace over pictures, but this is not an option. I have tried every brush available.it would be nice to be able to trace over mandalas or pictures. It would help me to be able to improve my skills.
Cecile Driskill commented
It’s the lines that make me dissatisfied with my coloring in Pigment app.
Cecile Driskill commented
Be given the choice of removing lines completely. Click on it and have lines go away temporarily, while you are coloring, and permanently when you are finished.
MuttMommy commented
I frequently want to combine two or more sections of a picture for a smoother or blended effect, so I color over the lines. But the lines still show through and really mess up the effect I’m trying to achieve.
Having “transparent” as an additional line color setting where the black and white line color settings are would be one way to address this. But even BETTER would be an opacity setting (really, logically, 100 percent opacity should do this…) that completely covers the lines. That way we could have lines where we want them and NOT have lines where we don’t want them. Thanks for considering!!
Nancy Sinsabaugh commented
I agree, the ability to earse black lines would be awesome!
MuttMommy commented
Now that we can change line color (yay! thank you!), we need to be able to color completely over them so pictures with pupils can have other-than-black lines but still have black pupils. Otherwise things have crazy eyes.
Anonymous commented
Samuel Schmidt commented
An option for advanced free hand coloring that would color over the top of lines would be amazing.