A ruler tool or perspective guides
A ruler that can be freely rotated but allows for straight lines

Michael Rocharde, commented
Especially important to be able to create interesting effects a la split screen.
brandymay46 commented
Please vote!
brandymay46 commented
A ruler we can access to draw straight lines.
Yesiam1996 commented
Sometimes I would like to add details to my pictures so perspective guides would be so cool.
MuttMommy commented
Please, please, PLEASE do this!
Sheila Joyce commented
I have multiple sclerosis and I know of another user with the condition. I’m rubbish with lines and circles etc freehand. So, on behalf of those who have disabilities I’d like to propose this. Please help!!!
Mike Johns commented
A sketch and follow tool like on samsung notes penup app teaches you too paint and color would be amazing!