Ability to move, hide, or lock drawing toolbar
I would like to be able to select what part of the screen the draw tools show up on, OR have the ability to “hide” the tools. I’m finding that I’m accidentally selecting tools while trying to draw since the tools are on the bottom of the screen, and it means I have to write in an uncomfortable hen trying to write/draw on the planner

Sarah Wood commented
Yes, please!!, especially when in split screen, the tools and menu take up so much of the space.
Sarah Wood commented
Just having the option to collapse the toolbar like apple does would free up so much space, especially in split screen.
Sarah Wood commented
Minimize or hide all toolbars except a small icon to bring them back. While minimized still allow the selected tool to work and links to work.
Holly commented
100%. I always have to turn the page sideways to avoid switching tools. It’s a daily pain.
Rebecca Schamess commented
I’m surprised more people don’t have this issue — happens to me daily! Am I missing something?
Carol Davis commented
This is so ver% important and actually slows my workflow because my hand is alwas selectinga tool i dont need ….please put at the top out of the way or make it moveable
Heather Cooey commented
Need to be able to move the toolbar to the top, left or right side. The toolbar at the bottom is very inconvenient and constantly interferes with writing as my palm will touch some random tool I did not mean to select. Please add this capability.
Natalie Beltrán commented
Agreguen la función de poder minimizar, expandir y mover en la pantalla el dock que lleva los pinceles y los colores, ya que al estar ubicada en la zona de abajo es imposible no seleccionar sus funciones por error.
Katherine Passmore commented
Being able to move the pen/colour selection tool bar to other locations on the page would be really helpful as it is very frustrating when the palm of my hand changes my selection while writing with an Apple Pencil. The Apple native pencil toolbar has this feature and it is really useful. Thanks.
Kaitlynn Kimmel commented
Be able to move the drawing utensils and color options to the top of the screen or hide when drawing so your hand doesn’t touch anything when writing. I am a lefty, and find my hand hitting another pen or color when trying to write.
Nikolay Kuznetsov commented
the ability to move the toolbar around
Melissa commented
It becomes annoying when trying to write and the pens keep popping up and or stay there and I keep pressing on them and it jumps to the eraser or a different color option. It is annoying to see them and have them there especially when working in landscape with my iPad, please please figure out a better placement for the tools. Like maybe a side bar or top bar. I like the way Good notes has their tool placement. That gives you plenty of room to write without interruption of accidentally pressing the tools
Ashley Maitlen commented
I love the app but whenever I write, my wrist hits a different pen or eraser an it messses with my work flow. I’d love to be able to move the pens and colors to the side or the top. I can also see them better that way. Thank you!
Anonymous commented
writing utensil toolbar can be moved where ever the user prefers. im a lefty and my hand keeps hitting the eraser when I write with my Apple Pencil(:
Jill Gepilano commented
Have an option to move the pen, paint, etc tools to anywhere you want in the screen. Or at the sides so it doesnt get in the way in writing
Bobo commented
Kimberley commented
.yes move the tools - it's really getting on my nerves at the bottom
Thomas Blake commented
The pencil tool/nav bar makes it impossible to not change pencils/colors when you’re writing
Ice Comedia commented
That would be a good idea to choose where you want the tools bar to be (right, left, top or bottom) I keep hitting the eraser with my wrist when I write or draw.
Rach commented
I keep changing colors and pens by accident. Please add a locking feature so this does not happen.