Change color of handwritten / drawn elements
If we can edit/change the color of the word/sentence that you have written so you don’t have to erase it again or rewrite the words. I like writing rather than typing my words but when i write a paragraph and the color doesn’t match my design then I can change the color or I have to delete it again and rewrite it again?
Change color of drawing (hand writing words or sketches) instead of having to erase or know the color in advance
Kelvin commented
I struggle with using zinnia exclusively because of the lack of ability to change color of drawn items. I would like to be able to do this to coordinate items, but also to organize and track information by changing color to indicate status, for example on a to do list. Please add this feature it would be a total game changer for how I use zinnia as my go to app for everything!
nesta.horton commented
As well as using text, I like to handwrite a lot! so I would really like to have the option to change colours once I have written or drawn something. I think that this is an important
JoDitt Williams commented
This is the only thing keeping me from using Zinnia exclusively. I need to be able to change the color of handwritten or drawn items, like I can in GoodNotes or NoteShelf.
lisachris8 commented
I think it would be great to have a feature where we can select the text or handwritten note and be able to change the color of it without having to retype or rewrite.
JR commented
Yes! We can change opacity and rotate and resize drawn elements, but I would like to change the color if they are single color, just like the stickers.
Katie commented
Change the color of handwritten items
Ashley commented
Change color of drawing(hand writing words or sketches) instead of having to erase or know the color in advance