Ability to split handwritten objects
Please add the ability to split objects. I keep writing my to do list and then go to separate each item but it groups them together as one. I can’t figure out a way to fix it and it’s becoming very frustrating
Kate McGinty / Caryn Caldwell commented
P.S. It also makes it very difficult to rearrange handwritten lists. I like to jot out all my to-tos, or add them to future days as I think of them, but when it’s time to actually do those tasks, it helps to quickly select and move them around by priority or task order, and even to move certain tasks to entirely different days.
Kate McGinty / Caryn Caldwell commented
Yes! That’s the entire point of a lasso tool — to be able to choose exactly what you do and don’t want to select. And the way Zinnia groups things feels SO random, which makes it difficult to predict and create text accordingly. It’s one thing I definitely miss about GoodNotes, and a big reason I sometimes consider going back.
Rachael Thompson commented
This is SUCH a pet peeve of mine!! What good is the freehand lasso selection tool if it has zero precision?