Snapping objects (Alignment)
Allowing objects to easily or automatically align together
Julia Jane Nielson commented
When trying to scale one thing to be the same size as another, or to get two things to line up perfectly next to each other, it is very difficult… having a button to press that shows the position outline of everything on the page would help with this! As would an option to manually type in the width x length of an object.
Lisa Mitchell commented
When adding similar images to a blank page (i.e. days of the week in banner format), it would be nice to select all the pieces and make them the same size. It would also be nice to snap them into a line so they line up in a row.
Jessica Johnson commented
The ability to center Items in the middle of the page and also centering into other shapes whether “snap to” centering or a floating ruler but let it be able to be turned off if not wanted.
Rebecca Devere commented
We need a way to SNAP LINEs to 90/180 degrees cmon!
Maria commented
This is a tool that is on canva that helps not only center objects on the page, but also in relation to other objects on the page! I would love to see this on Zinnia!
Hannah King commented
When lining something together it should snap into place when you get near the center of that line. For example, when you place the days of the week onto a calendar. The center of Tuesday should snap into place with the center of Monday. It should also snap into the center of a column. For example, when placing the days of the week onto a calendar it should snap into the center of that column
Anonymous commented
This but the ability to turn snapping on and off. Sometimes I don’t want things lined up but automatic snapping can make that difficult.
Susan Phillips commented
I can here to ask for this, I am so used to Cavna, Pages all snapping/showing centre alignment and spacing etc that I really really notice its not in the app. I am almost heading to Canva to make some templates to bring in as a PDF because I want them aligned correctly.
Kim S. commented
I’m not sure who is familiar with canva but the guidelines they use in that app to properly layout designs while you create would also be an excellent feature to have in the Zinnia app.
Kim S. commented
For example, guidelines so I can tell if a calendar I add within a page is centered.
Josh Rodriguez commented
Lord please let them release a grid snapping, any quality developer knows this is ESSENTIAL! This app is awesome & I want to like the team <3
S commented
Snapping to center and sides of page is critical. It’s the one missing feature that keeps the app from being perfect.
Meghan Smith commented
Guidelines that allow u to snap photos or text to them so u can be sure everything is straight and lined up together!
Amber Robinson commented
I know you can resize with corners, but it would be nice to be able to use the sides
Shevon commented
A snapping to line feature would be very useful especially when i want to make things symmetrical.
Rachel Judge Bergert commented
It would be really cool if you could turn on an invisible grid so that things align themselves perfectly instead of having to group things and then align. Then you could turn it off when you wanted to add random angled stickers.
Mallory Norton commented
snap to grid/rulers is an absolute must!
Mariely Galindo commented
Would love a grid to be able to align things more evenly when creating. Like what Adobe has
ClaudiaG commented
Some type of ruler tool of grid system to help place stickers symmetrically and centered . Also helpful to have a more accessible way to make straight lines with this tool
Tamara commented
YES YES YES so much yes! This would be amazing... I am a little OCD as far as aligning is concerned, and this is the only thing that annoys me in this app. Pleeeeease add something like that, like eg Powerpoint has so that it shows you where the item you are inserting is in relation to the rest of the page. This would make my life so much better🤗