Change color of any item
There's so many stickers I wanted to use in my recent page set up but couldn't because they did not match the color way I was going with and I could not choose to change the color. I hope in the future all items could be changed to different color ways of choice.
Ivory Thorn commented
You can drag a finger over or around the object(s) you would like to edit, and you can change the color of all of it, move it, delete it, etc. all at once.
Stacey Phillips commented
It was suggested in another comment to have a paint can tool, and I think this would be a great feature along the same idea if it was possible to change the colour inside any sticker to personalize our pictures more. For example, if there is a skin colour that we would like to change in one of the stickers, we could pick a skin tone color of our liking and change the colour of the sticker. #Diversity. #Aliens
jimmy commented
This would be great!