Copy and paste pages
Copy 0r duplicate a page in the journal, move elsewhere in the journal and paste the selected page into a new position in the journal INSTEAD OF dragging the pages to their new position. With an agenda journal of more than 300 pages dragging is almost impossible.
Michelle C. Funk commented
Yes, and specifically calling out that it is impossible to copy pages from one journal to another, you have to duplicate and then select and move the duplicates which is painstaking if you are using template pages, etc.
Rhonda commented
This ... totally a pain to drag all the way through my journal. It is way too big. LOL ... I need to break it up by the year or maybe even by the half year, but I have nearly my entire life in there, so I'm not sure how to do it. I can tell you when your journal gets that long it can start to drag and get's glitchy. So, keeping them smaller seems to be an ideal solution. I loved the idea of the bookshelves, and keeping my journals within their years on a bookshelf would be awesome .... The copy/paste / duplicate option is a GREAT idea, or even a move behind the page or in front of page option would be nice.
Shannon Whitley-Weston commented
It wouldn’t even have to copy and paste. If we could choose where to put it, that would be great. Have an option menu and click a circle to choose where. Locations could be “before this page / after this page /at the end of the journal / at the beginning of the journal / between pages __ and __.” Basically like you choose pages to print, but here we are choosing where the page goes in a journal. This would also give us the ease of putting pages side by side for comparison of info, dates, rearranging or reordering or reorganizing when we see or need info differently.
Kimberly Scoffield commented
Yes please!
Sandra Tan commented
ability to select pages and copy and then be able to paste it anywhere within or in a new journal. as well as the ability to group select pages and drag them within the journal