More academic layouts and stickers!
I wish there were more planner layouts, project layouts, and stickers like due dates, tests. etc.. But not just high-school academia but for college students too. I love using zinnia for school and would love to see more study and class related content.!
M commented
Academic calendars for vocational tech, college, and university students are essential. I'm a grad student studying to earn another master's degree and am taking several vocational tech programs. Calendars for this purpose would be very beneficial. Having calendars geared to vocational, lower-level, upper-level, master’s, doctorate, and professional students are needed. Also, having the calendars associated with the different calendaring systems (quarters, trimesters, semesters, etc.) and Sunday and Monday starts are necessary. Finally, the ability to link your online academic calendar is extremely imperative since many due dates are already in it, making the process of scheduling academic life less time-consuming.