501 results found
Create a cloning tool!
It would be great to be able to grab a sample of an area we've colored (such as a group of dots or a chunk of a gradient) and "clone" it for immediate use somewhere else in the picture or even to create cool new effects!
32 votes -
Bulk commenting
Would like to thank everyone who makes a comment on my artwork without having to call everyone one at a time.
31 votes -
Emboss Brush
Emboss brush would be a great brush. It can really change how a picture looks. Hope you will add this brush in the future. Thank you
31 votes -
Allow users to listen to music or audio books while coloring.
When I open Pigment, it stops whatever audio I’m listening to. I got the app do I could color while listening to podcasts and audio books. I’d love to be able to do that.
31 votes -
Brush Settings History
A feature like the eyedropper tool that would not only pick up color, but also settings that were used like opacity, brush size, and brush type. If not a tool, maybe a panel showing history of settings?
Thanks - love the app!
30 votes -
Import graphics into palette
"background" type images (music sheets, old newspapers, even photos) would be fun to use as fills.it would be awesome able to import them into the palette.
30 votes -
Unlock image imports for free users
We don’t get to show off what we non premiums know! Let us post our own!
30 votes -
Stippling brush
Could you create a stippling brush? I’d like to be able to control the number of dots as well as their size and spacing.
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30 votes
Record when a picture is being colored and then showing the sped-up video after coloring the oic
So while coloring a video is being recorded and when you've finished coloring the pic and click the 'done' thing you get a video of your coloring progress, so it starts with an uncolored pic and ends with a colored one. Just in a 2-6x faster version of the vid. love your app btw
30 votes -
Add text to images
It would be fun to be able to choose text to place in our pictures instead of using our handwriting.
29 votes -
Color theory workbook
It would be nice to have a book of worksheets people could use to learn color theory, create color schemes, learn how to use and blend the different tools (with lots of small images on one page to easily visually compare the differences).
29 votes -
Instead of publishing Community Picks that sometimes is the same user pick 1 favorite page from everyone and publish it in the home page.
This way everyone gets to see their work in the Home page or you can add another section name it Best coloring or whatever. The most important aspect is that everybody gets recognized and included.
28 votes -
More Brushes
I’d love a brush that drips the paint color, like water colors and a fan brush for free hand.
28 votes -
Make grayscale images fillable
I enjoy the Grayscale images but as there are no boundaries there are no fills.
It would be better if Gray Scale allowed you to at least fill a background without coloring the whole image. I realize the individual elements are not individually contained so fill is not possible or even desirable on most of the grayscale images. But surely the artist can create a fillable square before the detailed sketch. It would definitely make my life easier.
In theory I should fill first and paint brush strokes later.... yes... but I don’t remember to do that. Plus the background…
28 votes -
27 votes
Grids on blank page area
so we can import grids or templates to draw our own mandalas.
27 votes -
Mirror brush / an easy way to draw mandalas
A way to divide the canvas into multiple mirrored parts
27 votes -
Import Color Palettes/Brushes
It would be nice to have the ability to import purchased color palettes and brushes. I know allowing that with brushes is a bit more tricky. With the color palettes it would be nice or the ability to pull a color from a totally different screen or picture from a follower maybe.
26 votes -
New Brush/Fill: Tile
A tile brush, and fill would be nice for when we’re doing floors.
Thank you26 votes
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