Add a “published” checkmark on our artwork in “All Work”
I have published almost 400 pieces of work, and that’s not all I’ve colored. But it’s impossible to tell in the “All Work” section what has and hasn’t been published. Can we please have a little check mark or blue dot or tiny leaf logos, something near the artwork so we know which ones have been published? It would be awesome to have the icon change colors for things currently published and some other color for pieces that have been published but unpublished (for people who want to keep their live galleries small).
Thanks for the great suggestion, and to everyone who voted! The team had a chance to review and we are considering this idea. Stay tuned…
Anonymous commented
Small mark in my work to indicate which ones have been published
Anonymous commented
Small mark in my work (correction)
Anonymous commented
I would like a little symbol ti indicate which one has already been published
Funboy1126 commented
This has been under review for a while. Any movement on this? I often times duplicate my pieces in case I make a mistake or want to fix it later. But when they are side by side in my gallery, I don’t know which was actually published. Thus feature would be nice.
Jerilyn Marler commented
I LOVE this idea! Please also indicate how many projects are in the All Work list.
Cathy commented
identify already published work in All work section
Kathy commented
YES!!!! That’s the best news I’ve heard in a long time. Even more than new brushes or palettes, I was hoping for this!!! Yay!!
Anonymous commented
Yes please. It would be very helpful to know if you have published yet, or not.