Video randomizer
To address people who are looking for a visualizer more so than a music video editor, would be great if Spool could incorporate an automatic video constructor based off the audio file. Colors, effects, and beat-sensitive parameters in the editor could all be set randomly and applied to tap events that are generated based on amplitude.
There are some new synthesizers coming on the market that include a randomizer button that automatically builds a new patch. It’s gimmicky, but fun, and it also pushes users to go deeper into different parameters than they otherwise may have.
GARRY ULTRA commented
for those not savvy in tech or people who can’t mix effects well enough to put together a creative video, or those who don’t have time and need something quick. A button to randomize effects with reactive mode would be useful, also interesting
Anthony Peterson commented
A feature where you can have the visual automatically sync up with your music so we don’t have to sit there and tap the screen.