Make a one time purchase option
I hate subscription thinks on the App Store, but I love this app. I’d be willing to pay a higher price to just own premium instead of renting it basically.

M commented
As a leisure user, I find this very beneficial.
Ana Delmy Peña commented
Que en la colecciones de pegatina stiker y todo nos den una cosa más gratis plis y poder crear un libro mas gratis
Cristiane Ivaldi commented
Desconto na assinatura anual para pessoas com pouco recurso como o meu.
Claire Qiu commented
I love how you have the stickers and text and art stuff, but I think that 3 journals maximum with 3 pages each is actually too less for a limit. Who would like that. Some people might had one star for a review. Please make it unlimited!
Ana Delmy Peña commented
Que nos den más páginas gratis de a tareas más páginas gratis si se pude y ,as objetos gratis
Translation (by Pixite)
Ask to give us more free pages, two or three more free, pleaseThat they give us more free pages from to tasks more free pages if possible and, the free objects
Sabine Alwart commented
I would love a one time purchase option - can’t justify another monthly expense but would be an amazing treat to buy for my birthday! Please consider it, even if the new sticker packs wouldn’t be included, just the basic functionality!!
Shade B. commented
Agreed! I'm new to the app and do not want the subscription because I have no idea now consistent I would be, but if it was a one time fee I would just purchase it and use it leisurely. With a subscription I have to consider my monthly or yearly budget
Abigail Tyrrell commented
What happens when you decide to close this project?
It happens. None of us what that to happen but the global economy is what it is.
Perhaps an auto backup of downloads to EDITABLE PDF with a recommendation to external data stick because of weight.
perhaps an app to transfer to Wordpress?
Leeann commented
Yes please!! This NEEDS to be a thing!
Lizzy Mauck commented
I highly agree! I would like to see a high price for premium as a one time purchase than a low “rent” price for premium. I think the whole UX and Data would improve even more for Zinnia if they did that.
Giulia commented
OMG yes, I adore this app and I would absolutely purchase the lifetime subscription option!
Pinkcrush700 commented
Agreed, I would much rather purchase the app outright---even at a slightly higher price point, then I would have it as a "subscription". I'm starting to genuinely *loathe* subscriptions of all types. It's not just apps that are doing it, it's literally everything. Like I can't buy a single thing anymore without being harassed to “subscribe” to a recurring monthly; (or yearly, or weekly, or whatever), “subscription" fee 🙄. Apps and other virtual/digital products are already intangible and subjectively untrustworthy enough as it is without the added instability of a subscription-based module. So I’m starting to get most annoyed with those.
Danielle commented
I absolutely hate subscription services, especially when they can get costly. Zinnia is the only app that I have found that is a notebook that allows free rotation of the canvas, but I can’t justify spending $40/year. I would love a opportunity to have a lifetime subscription, or even a low tier subscription lifetime~ you want access to basic necessities of the app, like multiple notebooks and multiple pages but don’t necessarily want the stickers component,
MizzRozay commented
Though a onetime purchase would mean if u wanted new stickers you’d have to buy the packs that you want
MizzRozay commented
Especially due to the fact that if u lose ur subscription u don’t seem to be able to view ur journals anymore..well that’s my experience
Hope commented
Agreed. I don’t care for subscriptions.
JemJem commented
For those that don’t have a subscription, the ability to access all of the free options in one menu, rather than having to scroll through everything.
Justine Marie Carter commented
Make It an option for users to make a one time purchase for the journal. I would be willing to pay a higher price to just own the app instead of worrying about a monthly subscription. With a monthly subscription I more willing to delete it because of my budget on subscriptions per month
Jade commented
I have had annual zinnia since it came out however due to covid and losing my job I cannot afford to do another year subscription however if lifetime subscription existed it would be something I would still be able to love and enjoy as I would have purchased this from the outset
Elina Järventaus Johansson commented
Absolutely! Not a fan of subscriptions. Please make one time purchase possible!