Better Studio search, filtered by "new," trending, colors, artist, etc.
The current search bar is not optimized at all. When you search for an item, everything comes up in bulk and sometimes it misses some things that could be related to the search. Having filters would also be useful and would allow, for example, to search by color or by season. A better organization of the categories would also be nice. The sorting by collection is annoying since you sometimes have to search for a long time before you find what you want. It often discourages me and I give up my search...
We have implemented new Studio search filtering in our last release :) You can now filter your search by category type (stickers, washi, templates, etc.) and sort the results by relevancy / how new the content is. We plan on adding "trending" and other sort options soon!
jocelynbishgodo commented
I would love to be able to toggle on a certain element to see the artists page and everything they’ve created. This would help in wanting to use the same elements for a collection such as a planner. Rather than trying to find pieces that go together, you could search the artists pieces and choose from there. Canva does this with their elements and I really like it.
Bri commented
If i type “Sea” i get some sea stickers pop up, but if i type “Ocean” no stickers pop up. Better functionality for finding stickers, perhaps using keywords to find stickers. Thanks!
destiny lewis commented
A trending page of templates
Susan Devantier commented
When creating a journal page I would like to use the color picker to search for all the stickers and elements in the color way. Color pick to pull up all stickers, paper packs etc in the color way?
Susan Devantier commented
When the new items are available in the studio I would prefer to have them available in a “new” search!