Look i know this has probably been brought up planty of times. And i have read a fue of them alredy.
And i understand it would take allot of effort. But just becouse you can alredy layer brushes over eatch outer. It dousent help allot if say
1) you make a big mistake. This means you have to delete allot of your work or u do it. Thair for having to redo allot of work you alredy did
2) layers work allot beter with the blur tool. Than just puting colors ontop and bluring them together.
Layers a very usful thing i. Artwork. And usualy open up art to spectacular results
Thanks for reading if and when you do.
Even if its not accepted. Thank you for providing an option for app suggestions its a. Erry welco e thing
Look i know this has probably been brought up planty of times. And i have read a fue of them alredy.
And i understand it would take allot of effort. But just becouse you can alredy layer brushes over eatch outer. It dousent help allot if say
1) you make a big mistake. This means you have to delete allot of your work or u do it. Thair for having to redo allot of work you alredy did
2) layers work allot beter with the blur tool. Than just puting colors ontop and bluring them together.
Layers a very usful thing i. Artwork. And usualy open up art to spectacular results
Thanks for reading if and when you do.
Even if its not accepted. Thank you for providing an option for app suggestions its a. Erry welco e thing