Tap-able bullet points or check-marks
Checkable check-marks or bullet points you can tap to update a status
Get excited – tappable checkmarks are now available in Zinnia! Please update to the latest version to check ‘em out. We plan on adding more styles soon, so write us and let us know if there’s a particular style of checkmark you are looking for.
D G commented
Just like the setting to automatically place a hyphen, or a number or a bullet at the beginning of each line of a list… could you set the choice as a square/box frame. With the small box frame at the left side of each item in the list, I can ‘draw’ a tick as each item on the list is done….
Amelia commented
I would desperately love to be able to just click a box and have it check off neatly. Also be able to change template headings. And why not have a cute table creator that the columns and rows can be moved. Even templates should be more malleable.
Alice Harrold commented
I would really like this feature to be added as well! Many of us our bullet journal users and would use this every day.
But please make sure that you include ALL of the common bullets as clickable options (eg. filled, half filled, with an X, with an > or <, etc). The whole basis of the Bujo system is using one bullet point to indicate all stages of progress.
I had to create each of my bullets as stickers and then replace them as I progress with tasks. It would be brilliant if I could just hold down the bullet and select which fill I want!
I’ve attached an example of my key but everyone’s is different. I usually use black but if you pick a different colour, it would be great if it automatically filled to that colour too. Thanks!
MJ commented
This would make checking off lists on my iPhone so much better!
Anonymous commented
Check List option to check off list items such as to do lists and grocery lists etc could use this. This feature is available in apple notes and bear, usually you can select text and turn into checked boxes. This feature would be great when IPhone can sync so people can have their lists on the go.
Suzanne D commented
Please give us this. I would LOVE to be able to use checkboxes. And I really miss this function a lot
Clarinet Benezra commented
This is great. It would be fab for users like me if bullets were their own top-level menu (right up there with inking and stickers and importing) for easy access so those of us who use bullets for just about everything can “grab and go” quickly. Maybe the favorites feature addresses this. Maybe the favorites feature can have some basic organization features that allows users to bring different things to their fingertips in a bespoke way. Or maybe the major access point at the top of the interface can itself be customizable so I can pin my “go to” items there, like if I rarely import maybe I have that space be a shortcut to the highlighter, or to a submenu of the content library, because that’s what I need to access over & over again.
Mark Figueiredo commented
I would also add a bullet for bullet journaling. Tap to place bullet. Tap to X to signify done
Mark Figueiredo commented
Amazing idea!
Jann commented
I just posted something similar as a request, but it would be good to have the ones you use the most as a shortcut in your menu, so you can put together lists quickly.
Clarinet Benezra commented
I added something a little bit like this too, I said I wanted functional bullets!
Jo m commented
The ability to create your own key - check boxes and icons, that can then be quick added to your page. I use tick boxes constantly in my journal and don’t like the way they look when hand drawn.