Save events and live-sync to digital calendars
Save events and sync to different digital calendars: Apple Calendar, Google Cal, Outlook Calendar, etc.

So excited to announce this was just released in our latest update! We've added a feature called "Calendar Events" that allows you to save an event in Zinnia and sync it to your Apple iCal or Google Calendar. Enjoy!
Heather Abenti commented
I would LOVE to have full syncing with iCal, Reminders, and Notes on iOS/MacOS. I haven’t looked into it but also synching with Rocketbook or Evernote too.
Alicia Porter commented
Syncing google and/or apple calenders into zinnia and having notifications about events would be great
Lyra commented
I would like to be able to sync between either/or the Apple or Google calendars. To be able to add something to the app and it sync to a calendar and vice versa. Thank you!
C commented
Syncing with iCal/Google Cal and our Reminders would be amazing!!! This would be the one feature that would allow me to completely move over to Zinnia! Wasdesign’s Pencil Planner allows you to add reminders/calendar events that sync pretty seamlessly with iCloud. Unfortunately, Wasdesign’s app falls short for me in most other ways. You would be able to add reminders/events in Zinnia and see them in iCal and vice versa.
Mary Jo Spinelli commented
I would love to be able to bring my google events into Zinnia.
Tautropfen commented
I would love to sync a calendar like google calendar/ ical with Zinnia! If one could add a daily, weekly, monthly view and change size and style, that would be awesome! Then Zinnia would be a real digital planner combining scrapbooking and technic. very cool! I would stay in Zinnia forever 🥰
Angel E commented
The ability to be able to sync events from iCalendar and reminders/tasks from the Apple reminders app. It will be nice to have everything all in one place. There are 2 other planning apps that have these capabilities but the aesthetics are not as good, they are not as up to date, and don’t offer as much as Zinnia.
Fitz Emerald Fitzpatrick commented
I would love to add my ical to zinnia andbe able to have a pretty schedule in my custom planner that I can customize all the colors and fonts and styles of that would be incredible
Heather Strutz commented
Syncing with my iCal would be my preference over other calendars such as google.
Angela Schurman commented
I would want my Apple calendar to sync with a two way communication with Zinnia. If I add an event on my Apple calender I would want it to show up in Zinnia, if I add an event in the app I would want it to show up on my Apple calendar. It's the only reason I haven't purchased the app.
Bloom Marketing Agency commented
If this planner can sync handwritten or text written events or to-dos with Apple reminders or ical/Google calendar that would turn it into a fully functioning digital planner that gives you the digital advantage of being reminded and using other apps to do so. The ability for it to integrate with other software once this feature is live would be amazing as well, such as project management software like Clickup, Slack, Teamwork etc or CRM software for businesses such as suitedash, Hubspot, Salesforce etc. then we can add it to our workflows! This is literally all that is missing to join the written with the digital in a way like no other!! What a game changer that would make this software. You would have so much more downloads and subscriptions from doing so!!
Liz Dana Han commented
PLEASE DO THIS!! It would make my life SO much easier!!! This is so exciting! I would love to be able to create a digital planner that reflects either iCal or google calendar in a monthly and weekly spread. I would love for the weekly spread and daily spread to reflect either apple reminders or google tasks. With these features, it truly elevates Zinnia in the digital planning arena as the only digital planning app to use! It’d be awesome to prioritize apple products since I could use voice to enter reminders and events. Oh and to make sure to sync events and reminders both ways!
Suzy M commented
Hi! Another vote here to prioritize iCalendar sync over Google Calendar, if it has to be one over another. (because all of us Zinnia users are in iOS and iPad OS). Also if we could get a to do list that syncs with something (like apple reminders app, Todoist, that would be awesome too) :)
Candace Romero commented
I’m wanting to bring my google calendar into zinnia so I can use it as a planner. Im wanting it to sync so when I add to my google calendar it updates zinnia and vice versa. Im currently using Artful Agenda which does this very well with multiple online calendar options.
Jess Potter commented
I want items I enter into my calendar on google cal to be in my calendar on Zinnia. I want this to also work for reminders and lists. Basically two way communication and the reminders in Zinnia too.
Michelle Keiper commented
I would like to bring my Google Calendar items into Zinnia. I won't pay for something where I have to enter all of my events all over again. I would like them to so up automatically.
Horace Mann commented
Hi! Just a bump for iCalendar priority over Google Calendar, if it has to be one over another. Since all of us Zinnia users are in iOS and iPad OS, it streamlines our lives to keep it compatible in the Apple ecosystem 😅
Leslie Shioshita commented
I want to see make a pretty calendar and be able to sync/fill it in with events from my calendar and viceversa add an event and it will sync
Nicolette commented
All of the above! I want to be able to sync items added into Zinnia to Google Cal or Apple iCal and vice versa. Event reminders, to dos, etc
Candace Romero commented
I currently use Artful Agenda only bc it syncs with all my calendars and I can add events and such. This is the only thing holding me back from dropping Artful A and switching over to Zinnia. I just can’t justify paying for both.