Search text & handwriting
Search lookup text and handwritten words. I would like to see handwriting recognition. I constantly need to search for things I have documented in the past.
It would be amazing to have text searchablity. That way I could find things quickly by date, or keyword.
We've started working on this feature. Stay tuned for updates!
Sarah Wood commented
Yes, please!!, if not full search right away, could we have tags at were searchable so at least we can mark things in a way we can find it later
Christine C commented
Updates? Would love to see this happen!
Rachel commented
Hi 👋 — what is the status on this? Do we know when it might be released? Even Q1 2025? Q2 2025? Thoughts? Thanks so much 🙏
Anna Hellqvist commented
I would love to see this too!! I use my journal as a commonplace book as well, and I always save recipes and what not. It would be great if I could mark them with a hashtag or something, so I can find them easily :)
Carol commented
I don’t see it, so I guess it’s a new idea. I would like to be able to search within my journal. I am doing a bible study and can’t easily find my notes on something I read or if I need to quickly find my notes on Psalms or the book of Kings.
Renee White commented
I use Zinnia as a journal and would like to search for something I noted or a day something happened. Like when did I go to that restaurant or show.
Carrie Surprenant commented
This is the one feature that’s keeping me from using Zinnia for everything. I use Goodnotes for everything important that I will need to search in the future.
Kathy Wilson commented
Any updates on this feature? I would love to switch over entirely to Zinnia from Notability, but without handwriting recognition and search, Zinnia just doesn’t work for some things.
Carol Davis commented
Please speed up the research and delivery on this item… it will be sch an added asset and i can then continue to promote and sell your product. My husband is waiting patiently and using another product before he will sign up with u… all because of this feature…
Ps… i love your app which is why i already use it… will love it more when this is available!!!!!😁😁😁😁
Shahira commented
Please add this ASAP. The new school year has just started and many students like me turn to other apps for studying BECAUSE Zinnia has no search text and handwriting feature. The search feature is just so useful that the app is literally useless without it - I use Zinnia for my personal life but not studying coz searching every note each time I want to study is a waste of time and a source of frustration. I can see that in the last 30 days alone 5 people before me have requested this feature - Ms Rebecca Brandt please PLEASE do something
Michele Hadden commented
If I could only make one request it would be for searchable text. Such a critical feature to have. Is there any news on the review?
Erica Pierce commented
If searching text or handwriting isn’t possible, is there a way to create tags so we can search that way?
Jennifer E Chapa commented
This is crucial for me. I see that others have been for waiting quite some time for this feature. Please let me know if, not going to happen. I want don't to start creating in that an an app w/out this - Thank you.
Rachel commented
It’s been under review for two years… is this happening? If not, I’ll be looking elsewhere. (And I don’t want to because this app looks amazing otherwise) but this, not having text search, is a huge deal breaker. A digital journal without search is like a paper book without page numbers. How are you supposed to find anything?
Rachel commented
This is vital to me using this app. If I can’t search the text I’ve typed in (don’t care that much about handwriting ) then I can’t use the app. Crazy that this doesn’t have search. It’s such an amazing app but kind of a brick for writing and notes and even planning without a search function :(
Kathy Wilson commented
This is such an important function for a digital journal/planner. I would love to be able to switch all of my note taking to Zinnia, but without text search I have to use other apps for some things.
Gabe commented
In my opinion this is the most critical feature missing. Searching is what makes digital notebooks more enticing than physical above all other cost savings, portability, etc. can we get any kind of update since this was last “under review” almost 2 years ago?
Tom Davis commented
The main competition has this function and I miss this functionality. We are in the time and place where content is king, searching lets us reuse and find content we write about, such as note taking in meetings, classes, collaborative events
Britney Menhir commented
Search Function
The ability to search through a digital journal is often one of the top three reasons we use them. This suggestion lives on another post, but that post includes handwriting. I just want a search bar. Otherwise I can’t use this app. Obviously I really want to because I’ve been following this feature request for a very long time. Please let us search our journals! Even one journal at a time is fine. Thank you! -
Britney Menhir commented
So if this feature was under review in 2019, where is it at now? I thought of a stopgap. Tags. Customizeable words like other journal apps or even emojis / symbols. So if I write something I want to reference, I can tag it.